Date ABP LIB NDP PC WR OTH Insight Forum Poll
2012/04/16 2 10 12 33 40 2
Date ABP LIB NDP PC WR OTH Seat Projection
2012/04/16 - 1 5 32 49
Danielle Smith was accused of dodging an interview with Global TV, when she said she couldn't appear for a live interview this morning. To deconflict the scheduling problem, she did a taped interview last night, which was aired by both Global Edmonton and Global Calgary.
Smith explained that she has been arranging pre-taped interview lately because of travel conflicts. She noted that she needed at least five hours of sleep. With the hectic of the campaign during the last week this is understandable. Canadidates, and particularly leaders, are trying to meet as many people as possible.
During the interview at Global Calgary, Smith was asked about candidates that have come under fire for recent controversial remarks.
“I guess I don’t expect politicians to be perfect, and I don’t think Albertans expect politicians to be perfect. It may well be that we have candidates who could take a little bit more media training and be able to express themselves better. Part of what we’re bringing to politics, is that we’re not bringing career politicians. We’re bringing together regular men and women who want to get into public office for the right reason, they want to do a public service. From time to time they’re going to make mistakes, and I’m prepared to forgive some of those mistakes and I think the public is too.”
This is the line Danielle Smith has taken all along. Voters will make the decisions on the individual candidates. It is time for the candidates to get back to the issues and quit the side shows. Each party has controversial candidates.
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