week, Mitt Romney picked up another 86 delegates after his primary wins
in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Although Romney
now has more than half of the 1144 delegates required, there is no sign
of either Newt Gingrich or his main contender Rick Santorum withdrawing
from the race. Mitt Romney is now concentrating his efforts on
President Obama, while he will still have to spend funds to ensure
further victories over Santorum. He has managed to close the gap in
Pennsylvania, Santorum's home state. A loss by Santorum would be a
devastating blow.
President Obama has also concentrated
his efforts on the presumptive nominee. Needless to say this is what
the main stream media is concentrating on. Regardless of the election campaign, there is still a war going on in Afghanistan. Soldiers and civilians are still dying and even though it is not reported in the main stream media, men and women are still facing acts of violence on a daily basis.
List of Casualties i.casualties.org
Below are this week’s updated DoD casualty figures:
Op Enduring Freedom Total Deaths KIA Non Hostile WIA
Afghanistan Only 1805 1499 306 15560
Other Locations 111 13 98
DoD Civ Casualties 3 1 2
Worldwide Total 1919 1513 406 15560
Accumulated 2012 Casualties:
KIA Non Combat Deaths WIA
45 37 382
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