The Conservative Party and the NDP represent two totally different visions for Canada.

The New Democratic Party stands for many issues embraced today in the Democratic Party. The party embodies gender equality and equal rights for the LBGT community, improving environmental protection, national water standards, reducing poverty and increasing corporate taxes, while decreasing taxes for small business. It further promotes aggressive human rights protection, improving public transportation, improving universality of health care, to include prescription drug coverage and dental care. During the last election, the party unveiled its 2011 Platform.
More on Canadian Political Parties Here
The Conservative Party has been plagued with several problems recently, including "Robocalls", buget cuts, particulary in the public service sector and most recently the procurement of the F35B stealth fighter. A recent report by the Auditor General suggests that the government misled the Canadian public on the actual cost of the program. The government contends that it is an accounting issue. Without going into specific details, the robocalls, budget and the fighter issue have raised enough doubt to make the government vulnerable. The conservative government is also criticized for its position on environmental issues, particularly the Alberta Oil Sands and the construction of the Northern Gateway pipeline, which would transport oil from Alberta to the west coast, through environmentally sensitive areas. The majority of citizens in British Columbia oppose the pipeline and oil tanker traffic on the west coast.
Thomas Mulcair, the newly elected leader of the NDP, says that he has an obligation to reach out beyond the traditional base of the NDP and try to rally all progressives across Canada.
"My primary obligation is to reach out beyond the NDP's traditional base, to try to rally all progressives across Canada under the NDP banner."
This appears to have occurred in Quebec with relative success. Mulcair has his work cut out in Ontario and Western Canada. Some of his recent popularity may be due to a bump in poll numbers after the leadership race and the problems that the present government is experiencing. Three years in politics is a long time though. In the end it will boil down to the health of the economy and delivery of health care.
The battle lines have been drawn and there are two opposing views, with very different platforms. Both parties will have to sell their platform as the best direction for the country.
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